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The Prestige

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Run time: 2h 10m

My next journey into cinema is that of a film named “The Prestige”. It is highly critically acclaimed and widely thought of as one of Christopher Nolan’s most complete films.


The plot centres around the rivalry between two aspiring magicians in Victorian London. The period aspect of the film adds an almost Dickensian tone making it appear even more mysterious.

Constant twists and surprises in the film executed by Christopher Nolan in a typically unravelling way, keep you guessing “what on earth is going on?”, before being beautifully woven together in the later segment. Therefore I would rate the film’s plot a 9.5/10.


The movie is scattered with class-A actors with the likes of Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale and Scarlett Johansson playing major roles in the film and delivering powerful performances. The legend that is Michael Caine, is sublime to watch right from the opening lines of the film to the last.

Due to a star-scattered cast the acting in this film warrants 8.5/10 rating.


The feud between the protagonist Robert Angier and his antagonist Alfred Borden makes for an epic rivalry. Both men’s wills to be the best magician make them dangerous and exciting to watch.

The relationship between the two key characters in the film makes for an enthralling rollercoaster of a watch and I would rate them a 9.5/10.


Influenced by Victorian English, the language in the film is eloquent yet mysterious. Nolan leaves a breadcrumb trail of clues throughout the film nodding to the denouement. These little hints make you craving to watch the film for a second time right after it’s climax.

Nolan and his co-writers create a fabulous script that have you listening to every word 9/10.


Score writer David Julyen’s compositions create an unsettling atmosphere, which fits the style of the film. However, the music can become forgettable compared to other aspects for the movie.

The music doesn’t play a major role in the film, but it does add an ambience of eeriness and so I will give it an 8/10 rating.

Overall, this film really impressed me. It’s intricate storyline and complex characters made for a jaw-dropping watch. Every aspect of this movie was to a high standard with inspiring performances from Jackman and Bale. I would highly recommend this film for a watch if you have a few hours to pass as you’ll be on the edge of your seat the whole way through.

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